Friday, June 18, 2010

Science team gets applause

What Im reading:

VALPARAISO -- With a black eye from a recent bicycling accident, Science Olympiad coach Rich Bender accepted a new helmet from his team and parents for having taken yet another Thomas Jefferson Middle School team to nationals where it finished ninth in the country. The 17-member team appeared before the Valparaiso School Board on Tuesday with a slide-show presentation of the 23 events that ...
And this:
Raleigh – Forma Life Science Marketing, a leading marketing firm for life science, biotech and pharma companies, today announced that David Chapin, CEO and chief strategist is presenting a lecture at the Belk College of Business, UNC Charlotte for the Business of Biotechnology MBA class on Wednesday, June 17, 2010.
As well as:
The big beach ball in front of the Science Museum of Virginia should be a clue that something cool is happening inside.  More hints: Bring your flip-flops and surfboard, and watch out for sharks.  original. askqw3tshukks blog

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